Friday, January 2, 2009

buying coffee for the french press

I'll start the new year with some funny stuff for you: the adventure of buying coffee for a french press . :o)
As a software developer I need a lot of strong coffee. So I just got a french press for christmas. As I will have a party with some friends (mostly coworkers i.e. software developers ;-)) I went to the local supermarket today in order to get the right coffee powder for the party. Easy undertaking I thought. Far from it! Most of the powdered coffee is extra fine. It is designated for a normal coffee machine with a paper filter system. So I had a closer look at the coffee shelves, saw the whole coffee beans from Tchibo - and their coffee mill. Here one can choose between fine grinded coffee or coarse crushed beans right for the french press. So far so good. I put the beans into the machine, put the bag below the whole where the coffee powder was expected to come out and read the security instructions: "don't hold the bag with your hands while the machine is running". Okay, I thought and pushed the green button. The machine started rumbling, milling and... shaking. Before I could fix the bag with my hands (ignoring the instructions) half of the powdered coffee was already on the floor and the coffee machine. And what was worst: the coarse crushed coffee looked nearly the same as fine grinded filter coffee. Thanks Tchibo! Next time I'll buy the already fine grinded organic coffee I originally wanted to buy. No mess and a clear conscience!

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