Sunday, March 15, 2009

Kieser is getting convenient

This week I entered my favourite fitness studio as I usually do twice a week. Nothing new so far. But this time I really wondered while entering the big spartan-looking hall. It is designed for doing health-oriented strength-training in enjoyable atmosphere without any bells and whistles. No bar, no fitness drinks (except fresh, cool water), no tarted up people, no sauna. Just high-quality machines to train your muscles in order to prevent backache, get better in your favourite sport or just to look better and feel healthier. :-)
As you can see, I am already really satisfied with my studio. The only drawback was in summer where one started to sweat just while entering the hall - without having exercised at all. This week they started installing an air-condition which makes Kieser Training the perfect training place for me - even in summer.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Buying a climbing harness - second part

Yeah! After weeks of waiting, running from store to store and even blogging a bit about this odysee I finally got it: The lastest model of my favorite climbing harness, the Petzl Luna. I found it in a small but really recommendable sports store not far from my hometown. Now I hardly can't wait to go climbing with my colleagues the next time. :-)

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Buying a climbing harness

Some of my climbing colleagues are already laughing a bit when I tell another chapter of "buying a climbing harness for me". Yesterday I went to my favourite outdoor shop in order to get the "Petzl Luna" in my size. Unfortunately Petzl (and all the other harness producers) have troubles to deliver the new climbing harnesses for 2009 in time. And all the female models of 2008 are nearly sold out. :-(

Actually I did not want to share the above story with you but the following video I stumbled upon: a climbing harness promotion video from Petzl which is really funny - especially for climbing people. So enjoy it.... :o)

Klettern in Friedrichshafen

Letzte Woche haben wir unser Kletter-Revier um die Kletterhalle Friedrichshafen erweitert.
Abgesehen davon, dass es dort natürlich andere Routen als in Ravensburg gibt, sind zudem die Wände und Griffe teilweise anders beschaffen als gewohnt. Beides trägt zur Abwechslung bei und erhält das Klettern in der Halle spannend. :)
Einziger Wermutstropfen: nicht nur Seile müssen mitgebracht bzw. geliehen werden - auch die "Expressen" hängen leider nur an den 8er und 9er Wänden bereits drinnen.
Bei leichteren Routen stellt das lediglich beim Clippen eine Herausforderung dar; bei den schwierigeren Routen ist die Herausforderung anderweitig gelagert: die Dinger müssen auch wieder irgendwie von der Wand, auch wenn man leider (mangels Kraft und/oder Technik) die Umlenkung an der Decke nicht erreicht hat. ;-)