Friday, April 10, 2009

Maintaining the coffee machine

I nearly did not blog almost a whole month as there is a lot of work to do at the moment and spring is coming. So I prefer being outside - e.g. doing sports - instead of sitting in front of my computer in the evenings. Yesterday I had an amusing discussion with one of my office colleagues and as I promised him to blog about it - here it is: the ultimate maintaining-the-coffee-machine-discussion.
While getting a nice afternoon coffee from our comfortable full-fledged "Jura" coffee dispenser we started arguing if one has to maintain the coffee machine, e.g. disposing the coffee ground, or refilling beans/water, AFTER getting ones coffee (my opinion) or if it is legitimate to leave the company's kitchen as fast as possible without doing this - eventually leaving the next colleage the nice "present" of maintaining the machine before getting the vital brown hot beverage (his point of view).
He argued that using an ordinary coffee machine at home requires some steps BEFORE getting a hot cup, too. And of course the fresh tapped hot coffee gets cold incredibly fast - no time for emptying the coffee ground at all. :)
Another colleague who followed our (hopefully) not too serious discussion was on my side whereas three former team members I playing billard with in the evening shared my office colleagues' point of view. Altogether this discussion was a lot of fun - we laughed a lot in the afternoon (getting faster to knocking-off time the day before easter holidays) and in the evening. And now I know where to complain if I would like to have a quick coffee next time (probably in a hurry) and our coffee machine is demanding the "all-aroud carefree-package"... ;-)

Friday, April 3, 2009

höhenweg in meersburg

Eigentlich ist es schon eine Schande: da bin ich nun schon gute drei Jahre hier am See, war auch bereits mehrfach in Meersburg und habe dennoch erst vor kurzem den Höhenweg von Meersburg nach Hagnau entdeckt. Vielmehr habe ich diesen genialen Wanderweg bei einem Frühlingsspaziergang gezeigt bekommen - von einem Fast-Nordlicht :).
Der Höhenweg eignet sich wunderbar für entspannte Spaziergänge, da man immer wieder stehenbleiben und innehalten wird um diesen wunderbaren Ausblick zu genießen. Eventuell kann man dort auch joggen - wenn man öfters den Ausblick genossen hat, kann man sich vielleicht auch etwas zügiger dort fortbewegen. ;-) Ich werde demnächst berichten, denn der Frühling hält Einzug am Bodensee...